DDU Hong Kong leads product research and development
DDU Mongolia leads
product implementation
on the ground
Joshua Bolchover, ARB(UK) - Director
Joshua is the Director of DDU and an Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong. Previous to establishing DDU, he was a co-founder of Rural Urban Framework, an award winning architecture practice.
Jersey Poon, ARB(UK) - Project Architect
Jersey was the project architect of DDU’s award winning project, the
Ger Innovation Hub. She has been working on projects in Mongolia since 2016.
Kent Mundle - Research and Development
Kent has been working on housing projects in Asia since 2018. Previously to working with DDU, he was a winner of the 2017 Canadian Architect
Award of Merit.
Dulguun Batkhsig - Community Engagement
Dulguun leads product engagement and market analysis with Ger District residents. She has worked with MongolCorporation LLC, a property management company, for three years. She is a co-founder ofLAB2, an urban analysis think tank based in Mongolia.
Erdembileg Nemekhbaatar - Construction Manager
Erdembileg (Bilgee) is previously the Planning and Marketing Director for Zag Group LLC, a mining and construction company in Mongolia.
Temuulen Enkhbat - Urban and Regional Planner
Temuulen Enkhbat is an Urban and Regional Planner, specializing in ger areas development and community-building initiatives.